Carole Hersee

Carole Hersee was one of the famous child stars back in the days as she was referred to as the Test Card Girl. She was the image on the TV when no programs were on air. This happened starting 1967 while Hersee was only eight years old. She was photographed along with her clown doll while holding up a chalkboard. The test card was designed to test the resolution of the TVs back then. This way, TV users can check if their color signals and even grey-scales were smooth or not.

Hersee appeared on TV from 1967 to 1998. If credit was to be given, it would be to her father who brought her for a shoot. According to Hersee, she did not believe that her being a test card girl will last that long. Although she no longer appears on TV, she has been working as a costume designer for the theaters. She has found a lucrative career outside being a TV star.
