Among the longest-lasting relationships within Hollywood, Denzel and Pauletta Washington have been together for nearly four decades. Both met in 1977 on the set of the TV film Wilma. Denzel released plans to make his acting debut in the movie at the time. The shortly dated after that. After a few years of dating, Denzel tried to propose to Pauletta, only to reject it. He tried for a second time, and this time, Pauletta said yes. They tied the knot in 1983. Twelve years later, they renewed their vows in South Africa in a ceremony officiated by a priest and anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu.
Together, they have four beautiful children: John David, Katia, and twins Olivia and Malcolm. Their children have become successful, graduating with degrees in fields like film studies and fine arts. While Denzel eventually became one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood, Pauletta has her successful career. Their long marriage has been the subject of numerous articles over the years. Denzel attributes a large part of this long marriage to Pauletta, who he said did the heavy work.
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